Section: Dissemination


Licence & Master

  • Grégory Arbia

    • Licence: LateX CNED, 20h, L2, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France.

    • Licence: Scilab CNED, 20h, L2, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France.

    • Licence: Series et Integrales CNED, 25.9h, L2, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France.

    • Licence: Calcul matriciel numerique, 12h, L3, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France.

    • Licence: Algebre 1: calcul vectoriel, 36h, L1, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France.

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Supervisor of the bidisciplinary computer science / applied maths licence program and of the joint program UPMC-Brown on computer science / applied maths at the licence level (18h)

    • Licence: “Series and integrals” (30h), L2, UPMC.

    • Licence: “Functions of several variables and multiple integrals” (36h taught in French), L2, UPMC.

    • Licence: “Functions of several variables and multiple integrals” (48h taught in English), joint program UPMC-Brown.

    • Licence: “Hilbertian analysis” (16h), L3, Polytech'Paris.

    • Licence: “Introduction to numerical analysis” (36h), L3, UPMC.

    • Master: “Numerical analysis” (38h), M1, Polytech'Paris.

  • Muriel Boulakia

    • Licence: Linear optimization and convexity (36h), L3, UPMC, France.

    • Licence: Hilbertian analysis (21h), L3, Polytech'Paris, France.

    • Licence: Upgrade course (64h), L3, Polytech'Paris, France.

    • Master: Approximation methods for partial differential equations (72h), M1, UPMC, France.

    • Master: Supervision of an internship “Use of Freefem++ for simulating the electrical activity of the heart” (5h), M1, UPMC, France.

  • Anne-Claire Egloffe

    • Licence: Differential calculus, 72h, L2, Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6), France.

    • Licence: Sequences, series, integrals , 20h, L2, Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6), France.

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Licence: Scientific computing, 30h, level L3, École des Ponts ParisTech, France.

    • Master: Numerical methods in bio-fluids, 6h, level M2, University of Vigo, Spain.

    • Master: Inverse problems, 44h, level M1, Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci, France.

  • Ayman Moussa

    • Licence: “Numerical Methods for differential equations” (36h), L3, UPMC.

    • Master: “Real Analysis” (72h), M1, UPMC.

    • Master:“Numerical analysis” (38h), M1, Polytech'Paris.

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Master: “Biofluid flows”, 12 h, niveau M2, University Pierre et Marie Curie, France.

  • Irène Vignon-Clémentel:

    • Licence: Mathematics for biology, 64h ETD, L1, Université de Versailles Saint Quentin, France.

    • Master: Different types of model for blood flow simulations, within the course “Mathematics modeling for biology”, 5h ETD, M1, Ecole Centrale Paris, France.

    • Different types of model for blood flow simulations, 1h, “Diplôme universitaire de Médicine” on percutaneous valvular replacement, Paris, France.


  • HdR [12] : Laurent Boudin, Modélisation cinétique et hydrodynamique pour la physique, la chimie et la santé, analyse mathématique et numérique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 8 décembre 2011.

  • PhD in progress :

    • Grégory Arbia, Multi-scale Modeling of Single Ventricle Hearts for Clinical Decision Support, since October 2010. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & I. Vignon-Clementel.

    • Cristóbal Bertoglio Beltran, Forward and Inverse problems in fluid-structure interaction. Application in hemodynamics, since October 2008. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & M.A. Fernández Varela.

    • Paul Cazeaux, Homogenization and lungs modelling, since September 2009. Supervisors: C. Grandmont & Y. Maday

    • Anne-Claire Egloffe, Inverse problems in lungs modelling, since October 2009. Supervisors: C. Grandmont & M. Boulakia.

    • Justine Fouchet-Incaux, Mathematical and numerical modeling of the human breathing, since October 2011. Supervisors: C. Grandmont & B. Maury.

    • Stéphane Liwarek, Air flow in the nasal cavity, since October 2010. Supervisors: M.A. Fernández & J-F. Gerbeau.

    • Jimmy Mullaert, Fluid-structure interaction, since September 2009. Supervisors: M.A. Fernández & Y. Maday

    • Elisa Schenone, Inverse problems in electrocardiology, since October 2011. Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & M. Boulakia.

    • Saverio Smaldone, Numerical methods for cardiac hemodynamics, since October 2010, Supervisors: J-F. Gerbeau & M.A. Fernández.